
Cocpit Modernization

About the Mission System


AeroMission, Aerodata’s mission management system for fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, provides flexibility in terms of operational concepts and support of flight operations, visual and electronic search and surveillance, sensors and communication.

In particular AeroMission…


  • is suitable for Maritime Surveillance, Search and Rescue, Police Operations, Border Patrol, Fishery Patrol and Pollution Monitoring,
  • provides interfaces to and controls of Radar, EO/IR, SLAR and many other sensors,
  • provides sensor information to the operator on one graphical user interface ensuring to optimal “situational awareness”,
  • stores all sensor data, mission information and communication of an entire mission,
  • supports the operator in direct electronic communication to a ground center,

reduces the crew work load and increases the efficiency of missions.


Design of the Mission Management System

The mission system consists of a sensor suite, a communication suite and an operator workstation as interface to the mission management software. All elements of the system run in a network environment. The sensor and the communication suite are linked to the Mission Computer system. The Mission Computer System and its software, especially the Aerodata Mission Software, gather, process and present sensor and communication data. Thus, a centralized control of all system parameters is realized.

The multiple windowing display of the Mission Software provides sensor contact and target management, map display and many other helpful features which significantly reduce the workload of the system operator and providing enhanced situational awareness. The workstation is separated from the electronic units of the sensors and communication suite. Due to the network and modular environment the system can be easily expanded by additional operator workstations, sensors or communication equipment. This enables also data exchange with the cockpit system (electronic flight deck).

The Key Features of the AeroMission Software are:


  • integrated common sensor data representation including systems for situational awareness,
  • system integrated sensor control, mission guidance and tactical planning support,
  • support of networked operations,
  • digital data storage capabilities for photo, audio and video files,
  • automatic generation of standard messages or reports including exchange of this information between (multiple) aircraft and ground station,

data exchange with the electronic flight deck in the cockpit.


Design of the Mission Management System

The mission system consists of a sensor suite, a communication suite and an operator workstation as interface to the mission management software. All elements of the system run in a network environment. The sensor and the communication suite are linked to the Mission Computer system. The Mission Computer System and its software, especially the Aerodata Mission Software, gather, process and present sensor and communication data. Thus, a centralized control of all system parameters is realized.

The multiple windowing display of the Mission Software provides sensor contact and target management, map display and many other helpful features which significantly reduce the workload of the system operator and providing enhanced situational awareness. The workstation is separated from the electronic units of the sensors and communication suite. Due to the network and modular environment the system can be easily expanded by additional operator workstations, sensors or communication equipment. This enables also data exchange with the cockpit system (electronic flight deck).

AeroMission can Interface with Any Kind of Sensor:


  • Radar (nose mounted, belly mounted) (120° to 360°),
  • FLIR (infrared/ daylight/ low-light cameras) and electro-optical sensors,
  • IR/UV Scanner, SLAR (Side Looking Airborne Radar), MWR (Micro Wave Radiometer),
  • SAR Homing device,
  • Direction Finder,
  • Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
  • AIS and Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B),



An Operator Workstation Consists of:


  • one or two display screens,
  • keyboard, trackball and touch screen,
  • mission computers for map display, data recording and mission database,
  • radio control heads,
  • sensor control units,
  • sensor systems (see sensors),
  • communication units including
    • one analog or digital Intercom system,
    • HF, VHF and UHF radios,

Satcom system for voice and data.

Operator Workstation and Equipment Rack are:


  • modularity and expendability,
  • ergonomic design,
  • minimum size and weight,
  • quick change capability,
  • designed to meet EASA/FAR part -23, -25, -27, and -29 requirements,

be adapted to specific cabin cross sections and operational needs for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft
